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PMU/Tattoo Removal
Care Instructions


Day 1-14

  • If removing eyeliner and/or eyebrow PMU/tattoo then please wash your hair before the procedure (to decrease risk of soaking your brows and/or eyes  during the first few days after your session).

  • Any waxing or shaving around the area should be done at least 2 days before. 

  • Cosmetic botox or fillers near the area should be done 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after.  

  • DO NOT consume alcohol, caffeine or take any blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen, Niacin) 48 hours before your procedure, this will cause excess bleeding and may affect your results.

  • You may experience hypersensitivity and more pain around or during your menstrual cycle.

  • We will not be able to perform the treatment over any open sores in or around the area. 

  • ​For good skin quality, no sunbeds or sunbathing for 1 to 2 weeks before the treatment.


It is important to keep the lips clean and moist. 

  • Cleaning – Immediately after until end of day
    Redness and tenderness around the treated area is normal at this stage. For the first 2-4 hours you will need to dab off any lymph fluid with a clean, dry cotton pad (provided). When the lymph fluid has stopped expelling, regularly dab saline solution onto the treated area using a cotton pad to ensure the area is kept clean. Dab dry each time. Apply PhiSkin Candy throughout the day as often as needed.

  • Cleaning - Day 2-4.

A film should be forming now. The film is there to protect your healing skin. Clean the area with saline solution on a cotton pad a minimum of 3-4 times a day. Do not soak the film - just cleanse using a ‘press and lift motion’ instead of wiping or rubbing.  Dab dry and once totally dry apply a very thin layer of PhiSkin Candy. Do not put the Phi Skin Candy on before the area is dry and do not put too much on which would lead to the film getting wet. Do not rub or pick off the film.

  • Cleaning - Day 5 and onward
    The film may be starting to come away by now. Let it come away naturally and don’t peel it off. 

  • Use a gentle cleanser, like Cetaphil, to gently cleanse.  Avoid using any cleansing products that contain exfoliants or acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA).

  • When rinsing, be sure to rinse every trace of soap from the area.

  • Dry the entire area completely by blotting dry.  

  • Use a clean finger to apply a small amount of the aftercare ointment to the area. If your eyes feel extra flakey or scabby, do not overcompensate by using lots of PhiSkin Candy. By overloading the area with too much PhiSkin Candy, you’re just trapping moisture behind the flakes / scabs which will delay healing.

Long Term


After the film is completely gone, the skin will be pink/red and will look thin and delicate. This is a sign of the skin regenerating and the color will return to ‘normal’ within a few weeks. ​You can continue to use the PhiSkin Candy. Do not use anything like Bepanthen or Vaseline as these are barrier creams and won’t moisturize.


***It's critical to avoid the following for 14 days after your procedure.

  • Touching the area except when washing or applying aftercare ointment.

  • Scratching, picking or peeling the area, as it can cause scarring.

  • No cosmetics, creams, ointments or make up on the area  for 1-2 weeks. Once the film has come away, if you decide to wear make up, please remove this very gently & carefully to not disturb the regenerating skin.

  • No sunbeds, sunbathing, eyebrow tinting, chemical peels, mesotherapy, dermabrasion, botox or any strong treatments for at least 4 weeks after your session to ensure your skin gets back to ‘normal’.

  • Laser or chemical peels, and any other form of exfoliation.

  • No heavy exercise for at least the first 7-14 days post treatment. You cannot get the film covering the area wet which will happen if you sweat a lot.

  • Long, hot baths or showers - jacuzzis - saunas - swimming

  • Applying any creams containing retinol or glycolic acid.

  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, as it can cause wounds to heal slower.

  • Transportation in open-air-vehicles where strong wind is likely, for example; driving in cars with windows down, convertibles, motorcycles, bicycles, and boats.



  • You've recently had Botox. You must wait 10-14 days to allow the Botox to settle.

  • You've recently had a chemical peel / intense skin treatment. You must 2-3 weeks for your skin to settle down.


  • If you are a hemophiliac.

  • If you are pregnant or breast feeding. Anything you put into your body can be passed onto your baby. Your hormones can also affect the healed result.

  •  If you have active skin cancer, any skin diseases, symptoms, irritation, or inflammation at the time of treatment. Your skin needs to be healthy at your appointment.

  •  ​If you are prone to or have hypo/hyper pigmentation.

  • If you have a problem with healing or keloid scarring in the area or have a tendency to keloid scar.

  • Clients unable to take a break from exercise are not suitable candidates. The aftercare  requires you to stop any vigorous exercise for at least the first 7-14 days.

  • ​If you are taking any blood thinning medications.

What to Expect

  • During the first few days, you may experience: swelling, bruising, dryness, tingling and tenderness.  During the following few days, dryness and tenderness may continue as well as some tightness. This is normal and your skin healing.  Use an icepack (wrapped in something clean) or take ibuprofen if your eyes feel swollen and there is bruising present.

  • BE PATIENT it’s important to understand tattoo removal is a long process and make take several appointments to fully remove.  I can not predict how many sessions will be required because everyone's skin is different.  In addition, I do not know all of the ingredients of the original pigment that was used on the pmu/tattoo.  I can perform the exact same steps on 2 different clients and the results will vary.  This is due to genetics, skin type, aftercare routine, age, life style choices (i.e. heavy drinking, smoking, stress, and poor sleep) which all factor into the healing process. 

Things Not To Do

  • DO NOT expose the area to the sun during the healing process.  

  • DO NOT do heavy exercise for at least the first 7-14 days post treatment. You cannot get the film covering the area wet with heavy sweating. Gentle exercise is okay after the first few days.

  • DO NOT put make up, cleansers, lotions etc on or close to the area for  1-2 weeks to avoid irritation & cross contamination.

  • DO NOT  use saunas, steam rooms or swimming pools for 2 weeks due to sweating, risk of getting the area wet & hygiene.

  • DO NOT use pigment/tint, sunbeds, chemical peels or any strong treatments for 4 weeks as your skin will not be healed enough.

  •  Do NOT touch or scratch – touching or picking could cause irritation, infection & scarring.

Follow up Sessions

  • Follow  ups are typically done within 4-6 weeks after the initial appointment.

  • This can take several sessions to fully remove.   

  • This is a process and some clients may need multiple sessions to achieve their desired result.  

Additional Salon Policy Information 

Please read Salon Policy Information.

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