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Refund Policy



Late Arrivals

No Refund for Services Rendered

A $50 deposit is required for all appointments.  This is to ensure you are serious about your appointment.  Deposits will be charged at the time of booking of your online reservation and will be deducted from the total cost which is due at your initial appointment.

Please allow 48 hours or more notice when rescheduling your appointment.  Deposits are non-refundable if cancellation occurs within 48 hours of your appointment.  If you arrive late for your appointment or if you cancel your appointment in less than 48 notice, your deposit will be forfeited.

Clients should arrive 10 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment to allow themselves time familiarize themselves with my location and park.  I have a strict NO-TOLERANCE POLICY for LATE ARRIVALS as it throws off the entire schedule for the day.  Unfortunately, exceptions can NOT be made due to traffic or any other personal emergency.  In the event you arrive late for your appointment then your deposit is forfeited.

No refunds will be given for services rendered.  I do not guarantee any results.  Additional appointments at the clients cost may be necessary due to variations out of my control, including but not limited to, genetic factors, not adhering to pre-care and after care instructions, as well as client’s desired results that may be outside of what can be accomplished in the minimum appointment times provided in the basic service price. 

Studio Policy

No Guests


I have a very strict NO GUESTS policy.  Due to the nature of my semi-invasive services, I need to maintain a sterile, calm, and focused studio environment.  I do NOT allow friends, boyfriends, spouses, children, other relatives and/or pets to accompany you in to the studio.  For the convenience of your guests, I am located near Main City (San-A-Gushikawa) Mall as well as close to other shops, parks and  cafes.  

COVID-19 has placed an unprecedented concern for health conditions.  In the event that you may be sick or have been exposed to someone who is sick, I encourage you to reschedule your appointment and STAY HOME!  During this unprecedented time, rescheduling fees will be waived due to COVID related conditions.  Last minute cancellations are encouraged to  email me here or at or via chat box (bottom right of screen) and leave a detailed message.  

Microblading Policy

No Guarantee of Results

Touch Up of Previous Artist's Work

Customer Restrictions

Care Instructions

Microblading and all permanent cosmetics are considered a multiple-step appointment process. Healed results will vary with each individual client. NO guarantees will be made. Additional sessions (at an additional charge) may be required to obtain optimal desired results. Although I give my best efforts to provide you with quality service, many factors can result in a less than desired outcome as each client will heal differently. In order for your microblading to heal properly, please follow all Pre & Post Care Instructions!  Additional Touch Up appointments, at clients costs, may be needed for oily, problematic skin, those with dark pigmented skin and people who DO NOT follow after care instructions properly.

If you have had your eyebrows previously microbladed, shaded or tattooed, I request that you email me here  or at or via chat box (bottom right of screen) with clear photos of your brows for approval BEFORE booking your appointment. In addition to the photos in your email, please include the date of your last brow procedure, how many sessions you received, and the business name and artist name who performed your service.  Finally please explain in detail your desired results.  All of this is to ensure I can provide you with the level of service you desire BEFORE your appointment.

Permanent Cosmetics including Microblading is NOT RECOMMENDED for clients who are or have any of the following:

  • Pregnant or nursing

  • Diabetic

  • Undergoing Chemotherapy (Consult with you doctor- I require a physicians note)

  • Viral infections (diseases)

  • Had Botox within a 3 week period of appointment

  • Had an organ transplant

  • Epilepsy

  • Sick with a cold or flu-like virus

  • Used Accutane in the last 6 months ​

Please read Microblading Care Instructions for more information on Pre-Care and After Care instructions. 

Teeth Whitening Policy

No Guarantee of Results

Procedure Expectations

Customer Restrictions

Care Instructions

Everyone's teeth respond differently and have their own natural "stop" point for whitening results.  NO guarantees will be made. Additional sessions (at an additional charge) may be required to obtain optimal desired results.  In order for you to achieve and maintain your results it is important to follow all Pre & Post Care Instructions!  

Teeth Whitening safely removes stains caused by foods, beverages, tobacco, medicine, and aging. However please be advised of the following:

  • When whitening, you may feel a slight tingling. 

  • Products will not damage existing dental work.

  • Products will remove stains from existing dental work but will not whiten them beyond their original color.

  • White spots may appear more prevalent directly after whitening, but the contrast will lessen within 24 hours.

  • Teeth may feel temporarily sensitive; sensitivity is typically minor and gone within 24 hours.

  • You may experience temporary gum irritation, which is more prevalent in clients that have brush abrasion from brushing teeth within 4 hours prior to whitening.

Teeth Whitening is NOT RECOMMENDED for clients who are or have any of the following:

  • Allergies to peroxide or glycerin

  • Pregnant or nursing (Consult with you doctor- I require a physicians note)

  • Diabetic (Consult with you doctor- I require a physicians note)

  • Heart Conditions (Consult with you doctor- I require a physicians note)

  • Undergoing Chemotherapy (Consult with you doctor- I require a physicians note)

  • Viral infections (diseases)

  • Sick with a cold or flu-like virus

Please read Teeth Whitening Care Instructions for more information on Pre-Care and After Care instructions. 

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