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Micro-Pigmentation Care Instructions


Day 1-7 

  • Stop using any skin thinners (Vitamin A, glycolic acids, exfoliation) on the treatment 2 weeks prior to your appointment. 

  • Any shaving of the area should be done at least 7 days before.  It's better for me to see your hair growth pattern so I can match it.

  • If you tint your hair, tint it at least one week prior to the procedure. 

  • Cosmetic botox or fillers should be done 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after.  

  • DO NOT consume alcohol, caffeine or take any blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen, Niacin) 48 hours before your procedure, this will cause excess bleeding and may affect your results.


One of the most crucial rules for keeping your scalp healthy at this time is to avoid washing your hair. After SMP procedures, you could find that washing your hair suddenly seems quite appealing. But don’t do it. It’s okay to use water to clean your scalp for the first four days because your scalp is still tender. But make sure you avoid shampoos and other irritants for the first 4 days. Additionally, avoid hair removal and contact with the treated region.

From day 5 to day 7, you should avoid heavy sweating, scrubbing, exposure to sunlight, and touching with bare hands. Take your recommended medication for the first seven days, and make sure you’re drinking lots of water. To keep your scalp clean, you can gently rinse your head with lukewarm water and a mild soap, use a soft, damp towel to clean the region. Donning a bald cap today would allow you to shave your head afterwards. Electric foil shavers are necessary. Minimize any scabs that may still be visible on your head when you are shaving your head. Just wet your hair well and apply little amounts of water to your scalp. If you can, please take a fast, lukewarm shower and keep away from sulphate shampoos at this time.

Day 8-14 

Your head should be getting better and healing during days 8 to 14 after the treatment. It is still healing, but will take time. Following a pleasant aftercare routine will help. Carefully shave or cut your hair if it becomes required. You can gently wash the treated area with water and soap once it has been treated. When applied sparingly, moisturiser will also help to accelerate the healing process during this time period. However, make certain that it is fragrance-free. 


***It's critical to avoid the following for 14 days after your microblading procedure.

  • Scratching, picking or peeling the area, as it can cause scarring and/or color loss.

  • Applying any makeup, moisturizer, lotion, or sunscreen to the area.

  • Sun exposure - sun tanning - salon tanning

  • Laser or chemical peels, and any other form of exfoliation.

  • Exercise - participating in sports and activities that induce perspiration

  • Long, hot baths or showers - jacuzzis - saunas - swimming

  • Applying any creams containing retinol or glycolic acid.

  • Engaging in tasks like heavy household cleaning where airborne debris can become prevalent.

  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, as it can cause wounds to heal slower.

  • Transportation in open-air-vehicles where strong wind is likely, for example; driving in cars with windows down, convertibles, motorcycles, bicycles, and boats.

After Day 14

Resume your normal activities except, continue to avoid laser or chemical peels and forms of exfoliation, and any creams containing retinal or glycolic acid until after the completion of your touch up appointments, and its healing process as well.


  • Use at least SPF 50 to protect your skin, sun exposure will cause fading and can alter the color of your pigment.

  • Do not use chemical exfoliants, this will cause thepigment to fade faster.

  • Do not get laser treatments on the area (IPL etc), some lasers may change the color of the pigment.

  • As the microblading fades the strokes will get fainter and less defined. 

  • Maintenance is required to maintain desired results. Touchups are done on anywhere between 9 - 24 months (depending on preference and skin conditions) to maintain your microbladed brows. 

What to Expect

  • DO NOT expect to heal perfectly after the first session. This can be a 3 step process. It takes time.  BE PATIENT and understand this is a process.

  • Immediately after your procedure, the area will appear darker and more defined and this will last up to 2 weeks . 

  • Around days 4-5 you will experience flaking and the area may look dry. DO NOT PICK, let any dryness fall off naturally. If flakes gets picked off prematurely missing hair stokes will result and cause patchy healing which can lead to scarring. 

  • The areavwill take up to 4 weeks to fully heal. When the flaking comes off the hair strokes may seem faint this is because a fresh layer of skin has healed over the area. Giveit a few weeks and the hair strokes will become clearer.  Colour will continue to change on a daily basis until all healing is complete at the 4 week mark. 

  • You may experience itchiness in the area after the 10 days for up to 2 months due to the healing process of the dermal layer. 

  • Not everyone's hairstoke brows can heal clean and crisp. Hairstrokes for oilier skin types tend to heal more solid and powdery while drier skin types tend to heal more crisp and defined. Also for those who bleed more may tend to need more touchups as the blood pushes the pigment out during the procedure.

Things Not To Do

  • DO NOT expose the area to the sun during the healing process.  UV Rays can alter the pigment.  Following the first 10 days SPF is important for the longevity your micropigmentation.​

  • DO NOT sweat excessively for 10 days. Sweat contains salt and can infect and prematurely fade your microbladed brows. Salt in the sweat may also alter the color of the pigment.  Moderate exercise is fine. 

  • DO NOT use Vaseline on the area.

  • DO NOT use any makeup, creams, or exfoliants for 14 days. 

  • DO NOT go into sauna’s, pools, and steam rooms.

  • DO NOT get massages, facials, or skin treatments during the healing process.

  • DO NOT go tanning without sunscreen.  UV rays can alter the color of the pigment. 

  • DO not use exfoliants, retinol acids, or AHA’s on the area.  It will fade your pigment prematurely.

  • DO NOT use laser light therapy on the area. This can darken, lighten, and distort the pigment.

Touch Ups

  • Touch ups are typically done within 1 month after the initial appointment.

  • This is normally a 3 step process. 

  • The first session is used to build shape.

  • The second session is add density. 

  • The third session is used to perfect and fill in. 

  • This is a process and some clients may need multiple sessions to achieve their desired result.  

  • Do not expect perfect results after the first session.

  • On darker skin and oily skin clients, permanent makeup will not look as bold or sharp compared to lighter, dryer skin type clients.

  • Some client’s skin may have a harder time retaining pigment and may require additional sessions at the client's cost. 

Additional Salon Policy Information 

Please read Salon Policy Information.

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