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Lip Blush Care Instructions


Day 1-14

  • Stop using any skin thinners (Vitamin A, glycolic acids, exfoliation) on the lips 2 weeks prior to your appointment. 

  • Any waxing around lip should be done at least 2 days before. 

  • Cosmetic botox or fillers should be done 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after.  

  • DO NOT consume alcohol, caffeine or take any blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen, Niacin) 48 hours before your procedure, this will cause excess bleeding and may affect your results.

  • You may experience hypersensitivity and more pain around or during your menstrual cycle.

  • We will not be able to perform the treatment over any blemishes, sores, and moles in or around the lip area. 


It is important to keep the lips clean and moist. 

  • Cleaning – Immediately after until end of tomorrow
    With your lip blush complete we want to prevent a build-up of lymph fluid on your lips. Lymph build up on the lips looks like little yellow / white bubbles which can also be mistaken for small cold sores. To prevent this from happening use a wipe whenever you feel your lips need cleansing and then dab dry (probably 4-5 times a day). Apply PhiSkin Candy throughout the day as often as needed.

  • Cleaning - Day 3 until the film has lifted
    Your lips should have a thin film on top of them by now and will be feeling pretty tight and possibly sore (this won’t last long). The film indicates that the skin underneath is healing. At this point, you no longer need to clean your lips unless you want to give them a wipe after eating / drinking, but you will want to keep your lips moisturized with PhiSkin Candy / other lip balm throughout the day.

  • Use a gentle cleanser, like Cetaphil, to gently cleanse.  Avoid using any cleansing products that contain exfoliants or acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA).

  • When cleaning, make sure you are cleansing firmly enough so that you are actually cleaning your lips, but not too hard that you’re hurting yourself or pulling the peel off.  If you're getting closer to day 10 and still have a lot of flakes left, you probably haven't been cleaning firmly enough or keeping them moisturized enough and you'll need to cleanse and moisturize more to assist the film coming away.

  • When rinsing, be sure to rinse every trace of soap from the area.

  • Dry the entire area completely by blotting dry.  

  • Use a clean finger to apply a small amount of the aftercare ointment to the area. ALWAYS KEEP THE LIPS MOISTURIZED. 

Long Term


After the film has lifted your lips may stay dry for a few weeks but keeping them moisturised will reduce the feeling of them being tight / chapped / itchy / cracked. Although your lips may feel healed, lipsticks tend to dry your lips out, so if you must wear something on them, a tinted gloss would be the better option. It’s not uncommon to have a ‘second peel’ with lips so just keep your lips hydrated. Your lips will look lighter than when freshly done. Do not panic – you have healing skin over your lips which is thicker than normal skin. You should see some colour pop back through around week 4 once your healing skin has settled. You can return to your usual face washing / make up routine but you still need to be careful with your lips. Although your skin will look healed, it is still recovering under the surface and you need to be gentle for the full 6 weeks. Your skin will be fragile and may still be a bit tender, so don't exfoliate or use anything harsh that may damage your regenerating skin.


***It's critical to avoid the following for 14 days after your procedure.

  • Touching the area except when washing or applying aftercare ointment.

  • Scratching, picking or peeling the area, as it can cause scarring and/or color loss.

  • Applying any makeup, moisturizer, lotion, or sunscreen to the area.

  • Sun exposure - sun tanning - salon tanning

  • Laser or chemical peels, and any other form of exfoliation.

  • Exercise - participating in sports and activities that induce perspiration

  • Long, hot baths or showers - jacuzzis - saunas - swimming

  • Applying any creams containing retinol or glycolic acid.

  • Engaging in tasks like heavy household cleaning where airborne debris can become prevalent.

  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, as it can cause wounds to heal slower.

  • Transportation in open-air-vehicles where strong wind is likely, for example; driving in cars with windows down, convertibles, motorcycles, bicycles, and boats.

Long Term Care

Resume your normal activities except, continue to avoid laser or chemical peels and forms of exfoliation, and any creams containing retinal or glycolic acid until after the completion of your touch up appointment, and its healing process as well.


  • Use at least SPF 50 to protect your lips, sun exposure will cause fading and can alter the color of your pigment.

  • Do not use chemical exfoliants, this will cause the lips to fade faster.

  • Do not get laser treatments on your lips (IPL etc), some lasers may change the color of the pigment.

  • Maintenance is required to maintain desired results. Healing is specific to each client and it’s important to realize that you’ll need a color boost every 12 / 18 / 24 months to maintain the vibrancy of your lip tattoo. ​Your lifestyle choices, age, genetics, and skin type will contribute to the retention of your lip color. If you regularly bite your lips, use lip exfoliator, use sunbeds, sunbathe, don't use sun protection, smoke, use anti-aging products (on your lips), or get your lips filled after having your lip blush procedure, your lip tattoo WILL fade faster and you’ll need more regular touch ups.

What to Expect

  • During the first few days, you may experience: swelling, bruising, dryness, tingling and tenderness.  During the following few days, dryness and tenderness may continue as well as some tightness. Your lips may feel like they need to crack when you move your mouth. This is normal and your skin healing.  Use an icepack (wrapped in something clean) or take ibuprofen if your lips feel swollen and there is bruising present.

  • Use a straw whist drinking and avoid salty or spicy food if your lips feel tender for the first few days.

  • BE PATIENT during your 10 day healing process your lips will change and appear different from day to day.  It’s important to wait until your lips are properly healed (after your 6 week touch up appointment) before making a final judgement about them. This treatment can be a two-step process requiring patience (with some clients needing a touch up) to get the full desired look.   At your touch up appointment, we can make any changes you want - a lot of clients go bolder as they have had time to adjust to their new lips and feel more confident with the process.

  • Immediately after your procedure, your lips will appear darker and more defined and this will fade by 50-60%.

  • If your lips are kept clean and moisturised then only a thin film (not a scab) will appear. The film will start peeling off by itself around day 3 and may not exfoliate evenly. During this time, your lips may feel tight, cracked, chapped and itchy as the flakes are coming away. Leave the film alone; picking will cause irritation, can lead to scars and will lift colour from the treated area resulting in unevenness and blank spots. Let the area heal naturally for best results and keep your lips moisturised at all times to help soothe and heal them. The colour implanted will fade by 50-60% during the first healing process.

  • Whilst the film is peeling, it may seem as though the treatment hasn't worked well. The colour may look weak or it may seem as though the ink has disappeared. Why? Lip tattoos are not as deep as a 'normal' tattoo - your new healing skin is covering the ink and when your skin and the ink start to settle (between weeks 2-4), you'll notice that your lip tattoo 'starts coming back'. It didn't disappear in the first place; it was just harder to see through a thicker layer of healing skin. If the colour is still weak/patchy at weeks 5-6, don't worry! This is a delicate tattoo to heal, and is why we do 2 sessions.

  • You may experience dryness after the 10 days for up to 2 months due to the healing process of the dermal layer. 

  • Permanent makeup is an art, not a science. Your results will vary and using lip liner, lip gloss or lipstick may still be needed, especially when wearing heavy coverage make up. This is not necessarily a no maintenance treatment, but a low maintenance treatment. No two sides of the face are the same or perfectly symmetrical and whilst trying to obtain perfect symmetry is my goal, nothing is guaranteed or 100% perfect.

Things Not To Do

  • DO NOT expose your lips to the sun during the healing process.  UV Rays can alter the pigment.  Following the first 14 days, SPF is always important for the longevity of your lip blush.​

  • DO NOT sweat excessively for 10 days. Sweat contains salt and can infect and prematurely fade your lip blush. Salt in the sweat may also alter the color of the pigment.  Moderate exercise is fine. 

  • DO NOT use any makeup, creams, or exfoliants on the lips for 10 days. 

  • DO NOT use anti-aging creams, chemical peels, acids or retinols on or close to your lips ever!   These products strip the skin / change your skin and the chemicals in them will react and affect with the pigment / retention.

  • DO NOT go into sauna’s, pools, and steam rooms.

  • DO NOT get massages, facials, or skin treatments during the healing process.

  • DO NOT go tanning.  UV rays can alter the color of your lip blush.  

  • DO NOT use laser light therapy on your lips. This can darken, lighten, and distort the pigment.

Touch Ups

  • Touch ups are typically done within 4-6 weeks after the initial appointment.

  • This can be a 2 and sometimes even 3 step process. 

  • The first session is used to build shape and gain symmetry. 

  • The second session is used to perfect any variations in the healing process. 

  • Lip Blush only includes 2 appointments.  Additional appointments are at client cost.

  • This is a process and some clients may need multiple sessions to achieve their desired result.  

  • Do not expect perfect results after the first session.  You have one compimentary touch up if needed. 

  • Some client’s skin may have a harder time retaining pigment and may require additional sessions at the client's cost. 

Additional Salon Policy Information 

Please read Salon Policy Information.

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